Irina Chernova

Dynamic and accomplished Inflight Purser in an international airline with 10+years of First/Business class experience
  • Doha, Qatar
  • 8 May 2024

My commitment lies in maintaining the highest standards of safety, service, and efficiency while enhancing the customer experience and contributing to the ongoing success of premium cabin services. I bring with me exceptional culinary knowledge, the ability to thrive under pressure and adaptability, superb interpersonal and communication skills, and a dynamic, creative, and passionate approach. With a strong sense of protocol and etiquette, I am dedicated to maintaining impeccable manners and grooming standards.

Phone Number
  • Canadian
Willing to relocate ?
Which area would you like to work ?
  • Europe
  • Middle East
What kind of contract are you looking for ?
  • Permanent


Cabin Services Director
Aug 2010 — Current

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