Nadia De Waal

I have excellent communication skills, a positive attitude and have the ability to remain in stressful situations.
  • Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
  • 15 March 2024

With three years of experience in the aviation industry and six months in business class, I have developed a deep passion for providing exceptional service and creating memorable experiences for passengers. While I am enjoying my time working in business class, I am eager to expand my skills and deliver a more personalized experience.

Throughout my career as a flight attendant, I have developed my customer service skills and attention to detail, ensuring that every passenger feels comfortable and well taken care of during their journey.

I understand the importance of anticipating to the needs of passengers, while maintaining a safe and secure environment. Working in business class has allowed me to appreciate the finer details of service delivery.

Phone Number
  • Dutch
Willing to relocate ?
Which area would you like to work ?
  • Europe
  • Middle East
What kind of contract are you looking for ?
  • Permanent
  • Commuting


Secondary vocational education @ Albeda College
Sep 2017 — Jul 2020

Tourism & aviation services


Cabin crew @ Etihad Airways
Apr 2022 — Current

Working as a flight attendant in Business class
Providing the best service
Taking care of the safety on board

Cabin crew @ Ryanair
Feb 2021 — Mar 2022

Working as a flight attendant

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